Pass Blood Drug TestYou've come to the right place to get information and products to help you pass your blood drug test. There are not many blood drug tests performed since it is expensive and requires trained personnel to draw the blood. Unlike urine drug tests, blood drug tests measure the ACTUAL substance in the system, not drug metabolites which is what your body produces when drugs are ingested. Therefore, blood drug tests are frequently used to determine if someone was under the influence of a substance leading to an accident. Health insurance companies will also occasionally perform blood drug tests before approving a life insurance policy, most often performing a nicotine blood drug test.

Pass a Hair Drug Test
Zydot Detox Shampoo
Cleanses your hair of unwanted toxins on the day of your hair drug test.
Pass a Urine Drug Test
Ultra Klean Detox Drink
Cleanses your urine of all toxins for up to 8 hours on the day of the test.
Pass a Urine Drug Test
Synthetic Urine Kit
Perfect for unsupervised drug test scenarios such as employment or insurance.
Permanent Cleanser
Total Body Cleanser
Cleanse your body of unwanted toxins once and for all. Pernanent cleaner!
Pass a Saliva Drug Test
Saliva Detox Mouthwash
Perfect solution for a saliva drug test. Be clean 24 hrs before use and PASS!
Pass a Urine Drug Test
Fast Flush Capsules
Great for light users who are below 200lbs. Temporarily blocks toxins for test.
Pass Blood Drug Testing Information
Along with information and products to help you pass a blood drug test, we also can help you pass a urine drug test, pass a saliva drug test, or pass a hair drug test. We are committed to protecting your right to privacy and we guarantee our products.
Check out our Value Packs to help you prepare for and pass ANY drug test, including a random drug test. You might also want to see what our Monthly Special is currently.
You can order our products online or you can call our helpful staff who will asist you in finding what you need to pass any drug test and process your order right away for overnight delivery.